The Labyrinth was completed on a Saturday afternoon and of course I was excited to take my first walk that very afternoon. As I walked it this first time, I saw the garden and the surrounding property in a new way. For the next few mornings, I followed a pattern of walking the labyrinth first thing in the morning. Again, I was surprised at how I saw things differently. A new flower that had opened or a bird sitting on a nearby tree stump delighted me. When our garden crew came on Monday, the “head” of the team walked it himself and shared that it wasn’t so easy. Yes, it was filled with turns and curves. I found it challenging and helpful in working on my balance.

My thoughts soon turned to what kind of ceremony to have to honor the designer, Ronald Esquivel, and Jan Hurwitch, who had selected crystals to be buried in the labyrinth. My good friend and very talented musician Newman Taylor Baker was coming with his daughter to spend some time, and I thought, “How perfect. Let’s do the ceremony when he is here and maybe he will be willing to play his washboard.” While Newman has toured around the world as a jazz percussionist, he now has been working on solo programs and small ensembles with the washboard. He mentioned he would be bringing it.
A date was set, and then it was frustrating that I wanted to invite lots of people but knew with COVID and the limited parking at the house it was important to keep it to a very small number. In the end we did two celebrations, one that was in English and included eight of my ex-pat friends in the community… that ended up being fourteen people in all when you counted Ronald, Jan, myself, Newman and his daughter, and Manrique the house manager. The second one was for Manrique’s family who speaks very limited English.
When Ronald and Jan arrived, we discussed how to proceed. I thought that Newman would play while we walked the labyrinth for the first time, but Ronald said no, we should just focus on walking first and then later Newman could play. Our focus would not be divided, and Newman would have the option of walking with us! Before we walked, Jan led us in a beautiful ceremony of planting each of the crystals. As you remember from an earlier blog, she had selected five different crystals.
I must admit that I was a bit nervous about this part. While I liked the idea of planting the crystals, I didn’t want this part to get too touchy-feely. Jan led it perfectly. She guided us starting with the black onyx which was planted at the point where we “show up.” We haven’t entered the actual labyrinth yet, and the onyx is symbolic of releasing negative energy. Its purpose is both to help the walker let go of any negative energy, and to protect the labyrinth from negative energy. When Jan asked for a volunteer to plant it, Katy quickly responded, and we handed her the large spoon to use. The black onyx was planted with the purpose of repelling negativity.
Newman volunteered to plant the next crystal, the aquamarine, which represents courage. It was planted at the most private place, giving an individual the opportunity to go inward and think about what they might want to create or to just be still for a few minutes with their personal thoughts! The next crystal was planted at the opposite end. It’s a point where one can look outward beyond the property. The orange agate was planted here by Raquel for the purpose of reducing stress!
Next the whole group moved to the entrance of the labyrinth. Paul planted the crystal quartz, which promotes healing and spirituality. We didn’t follow the actual path at this point but rather just went to the places where the crystals would be planted.
Jan asked me to plant the last agate, the rose quartz, in the center of the labyrinth to represent love and compassion. She reminded us that love and compassion must always start with oneself!

Now that all the crystals were planted, we regathered at the “showing up” place. A few people had taken off their shoes to walk barefoot which is the most beneficial way. Some places were ready for us to walk barefoot with lush grass. Others lacked grass and had stones, so I did mention that and some of us kept our shoes on.
Ronald led us and we followed the path into the center. Ronald gave us the option of following the path back out, which is the traditional way and how I do it as much as possible. A few took that option.

We celebrated with some refreshments and then enjoyed a wonderful intimate concert with Newman playing the washboard. Everyone was totally mesmerized by his playing and the variety of sound that he could made from just one instrument.

Link to a short excerpt from Newman’s playing.
Our smaller celebration with Manrique’s family challenged Newman’s daughter Stefani and I to describe the labyrinth in Spanish. We both worked with our teacher Raquel to be able to do this. It was another wonderful experience that ended with each of the four women spending a minute or two playing the washboard.
I am amazed at how each day my walk on Camino del Artista is different. Sometimes I am filled with a new idea and at other times I am seeing new things in the garden or far off landscape. If I am off balance I know it and as I slowly follow the path, I regain my balance. A deep bow of gratitude to Ronald Esquivel for creating this special labyrinth and to Jan for selecting the crystals. I look forward to sharing it with others.
Thank you, Stefani, for documenting the event, and I had to close with this fun selfie you took with your “Daddy” in the background!