Ballet Nacional de Cuba: Costa Rica, April 23, 2023

I never would have imagined that I would get to see the Ballet Nacional de Cuba here in Costa Rica, but I did, and what a delight, for several reasons.  First, going to theatre and ballet is what I miss most in my life here.  When I saw a sign advertising the Ballet Nacional de […]

Art and Ballet: A Special Sunday in Costa Rica – Part 2

The Teatro Melico Salazar was a quick ride from the museum, and we planned our schedule so we would get there in time to have a late afternoon lunch before the Ballet Nacional de Cuba performance started at 5.  The theatre has a wonderful café called Café Raventos (   They have a delightful lite menu, […]

Art and Ballet: A special Sunday in Costa Rica – Part 1

I was excited to see recently that Ballet Nacional de Cuba was returning to Costa Rica.  I loved the performance I saw in the spring of 2023 (Link blog May 5, 2023), so I immediately made plans to attend this time.  Three artists in residence were going to be at my home at the time of the performance, so […]

My first ballet and a debate about which ballerina is best!

In the last blog, I wrote about the first Broadway show I saw.  In this blog I share the first ballet I saw, and it was one of the best.  I am not sure what my exact age was but I hunch I was about seven.  Doing a little research on the Internet I found out that the […]

Past …. and Present – December 2022: A Guest Post by Dina McDermott

After earning her B.F.A. in dance at The Juilliard School in New York, Dina performed in the downtown and Off-Broadway scene. During over four decades in the dance world, she has been a contemporary dancer, choreographer, teacher, artistic director (LEAVING GROUND/DANCE) and writer.  Her books include A Dancer’s Diary: Around the World in Thirteen Dances (see excerpt […]

Notes from February 2002 Newsletter –A Major Grant and a Major New Direction

The grant from the Nathan Cummings Foundation enabled us to fully realize our plans for The Forgiveness Project.  We would have three full weeks of rehearsal time to create the new piece on forgiveness. That would be followed by four five-day residencies in four different places. I will be writing several blogs about these residencies.  For right now […]

Building My Own Program in NYC

In the last blog I mentioned that although Martha Hill had encouraged me to re-audition for Juilliard, I never had a chance to discuss this with my parents because  my grandmother died at the same time. So … as planned, off I went to the University of Denver, my only backup school.  After only one dance class it […]