Working with our Emotions

When we planned on moving to Costa Rica, we had no idea of all the challenges we would face within the first 6 months of living here.  I’m not talking about the adjustments to a new country, which we would have had moving at any time, or the surprise fire and earthquake.  What I mean is COVID 19 and the heart failure that Murray is going through. Those are two things that are dominating day-to-day life and could not have been predicted back in November when we made the decision to move.  A year ago this time, Murray and I were in the Tetons at Jenny Lake Lodge, and while we couldn’t do long hikes, Murray could do short hikes of a mile or so.  Sometimes it is a challenge now for Murray just to walk from room to room and or spend 10 minutes walking in the garden.  

View in our garden behind a tree that Murray walks to slowly.

And then there is COVID which has made it impossible for family and friends to visit.  The borders are closed and it is unlikely that people from the U.S. will be allowed in anytime soon. We have no plans to return to the United States, as we feel safer here.  So there is a real appreciation that we are able to communicate via FaceTime and Zoom, because no one knows when we will be able to do so “in person.” 

Nearly every day here in Costa Rica, I find myself experiencing the four basic emotions that I sometimes explored when I led movement workshops. Sometimes one dominates more than another but generally in the course of any day I experience all four.  They are: happy, sad, angry, scared. Dance and sometimes art have been wonderful vehicles for me to work through my feelings and in the process find appropriate outlets for my emotions. As I write this I am challenging myself to see what I can do here particularly using art as my means. 

A few hours after writing these first two paragraphs a strong emotion began to surface so I got my watercolor pencils out and began expressing my feeling on paper.  Soon the emotion began to pass and instead a deep fascination with the design elements dominated.  Over the next day or so I totally enjoyed creating a small abstract design that had started with strong emotional feeling. 

Watercolor exploring an emotion, June 20, 2020. Created by first using watercolor pencils and then adding water and other watercolors.

For years when I led movement workshops, exploring emotions through dance was often an important part of the program. The activities were carefully structured so that everyone in the group was safe both from getting caught up in the emotion and from interacting with another person in an unsafe way. 

Confining space is a good tool to use.  Ask each person to draw an imaginary circle around themself that gives them about three feet to move.  For the duration of the exercise they are to stay inside their personal circle. Give them the following instructions, one at a time, giving them several minutes to improvise each one: 1) They are frustrated and angry at being confined to the space; 2)  They have retreated to this space because they are afraid during a thunder and lightning storm; 3) They are very sad and this small space is safe play to express their sadness; and 4) It is during COVID 19 time and they have just received great news on their cell phone while outside with a friend practicing social distancing.

With an adult or teenage group, start by making a large circle.  One person goes into the center of the circle and makes a shape (with their body) that expresses one of the four emotions.  They hold that pose, while another person goes into the circle making a complimentary shape (relating to but without touching the first person) that also illustrates that same emotion.  The first person leaves and the next person comes in making a shape of the same emotion, and so it continues with one person entering and another person leaving.  This activity can be expanded by having the participants still enter the circle one at a time, but allowing a few participants to remain in place in the center at once, thus creating a larger “sculpture” of the given emotion.  (If doing this, make sure participants take positions that can be held comfortably for a few moments.)  

And of course exploring emotions can be taken to a whole different level as it was in the composition class that I took from Pearl Lang at Connecticut College Summer Program in 1960, where for the six weeks I created an anger study and a laughter study.  Working from gestures, much as I had done in my first composition class with Helen Tamiris, the gestures were expanded into phrases and the phrases built into sections with Pearl coaching and insisting everything be believable.  I remember being very excited to perform one of the studies in a Saturday workshop.

Recently we included exploring emotions as part of a film we made with women from a domestic violence program in Santa Fe.  The film includes both leaders with a dance background and women who are exploring movement improvisation for the first time.  Here’s a link to view it.

I feel so fortunate to have had practice in finding ways to express my emotions and not become overwhelmed by them.  Indeed we are in very challenging times and we need to use all the resources we can!  

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9 Replies to “Working with our Emotions”

  1. My love to y and Murray. Yr post was so y. Wonderfully honest and insightful. Yr painting portrays the pain. Aida

  2. I am so sorry to hear that Murray’s condition has gotten worse! These are indeed strange and very challenging times – the Great Pause, I’ve begun hearing. It certainly is that. Much love to you both.

    1. Thanks Joy! The Great Pause is a good way to think of this time!
      Be safe and love from both of us to you.

  3. Thanks Joanne. I did not realize Murray’s heart condition rendered his so little movement. Those are some pretty plants at the tree. But it’s sad that COVID has left us all so isolated for the time being. I’m sure you and Murray would love and welcome visitors to your new place in Costa Rica now, especially now, and especially your daughters and their families. It is sad you cannot see loved ones at this time. I hope Murray has the best doctors possible and he is getting the best treatment possible. That is another tough situation during COVID. I recently had surgery myself, it started from an emergency appendectomy, right at the beginning of COVID back in February. Then another surgery was required which happened on June 2nd. I’m through it now and fully recovering. But the second surgery had to wait because of COVID. Otherwise it would have happened sooner. It’s like we are all still sheltering in place as much as possible because It’s just safer that way. All best wishes to Murray.

    1. Yes.. we do wish family and friends could be here. Glad you are through two surgeries! Not the time to need any special medical care.
      Sending you a big hug.

  4. I found this to be a very interesting entry. Thanks for sharing it.

    I am sorry that Murray is experiencing some health issues, and very much hope
    that he will feel better very soon. How is the medical care in Costa Rico???
    Hang in there!

    We are pretty much quarantined in our facility, and there are no activities. Lunch and dinner are sent to our apartments every day, and the dining room and club room where breakfast is served are closed. There are no exercise classes or any classes at all at this time. I’m learning how to access Zoom, and have a few Zoom meals with friends coming up.

    I send love to you both and send wishes for good health!

    Love, Audrey

    1. Thanks Audrey. The medical care here in Costa Rica is very good. Sorry that you are not able to have more interaction at your facility. Glad to hear you are learning how to
      access Zoom. Be well and stay safe.

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